On Tour with Prism Book Tours.
Book Tour Grand Finale for
Searching for Sarah
Julieann Dove
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops, go back and check them out...
Launch - Message from the Author
Welcome lovely Readers! I’m tickled to be able to introduce everyone to the “Searching For Sarah” tour. I’ve been writing Sarah’s journey for some time, and it is with great pleasure that I can now curl back a page and present her story to you.
Christian Chick's Thoughts - Excerpt
I looked at the imposing house and took a deep breath. I felt as if I were going on a job interview. It sort of was, I guess. However, this was a little more serious. If Sam Turner didn’t like me well enough to live in his house and pick up his daughter from preschool, I’d be looking for the nearest bridge to live under. Or I’d make nice and live the next two months in Robena’s room with catnip in my pockets.
The Silver Dagger Scriptorium - Excerpt
I stared out the window, trying not to focus on his cologne that seemed to be drifting by me with every gesture he made. It was hypnotizing to say the least. I’m such an aromatherapy connoisseur. His was warm, woodsy, and aromatic. It made me want to get drunk off it and swim around in it like a lazy river.
Reading Is My SuperPower - Review
"Searching for Sarah is a compelling start to this new series from Julieann Dove. Readers will be engaged from the beginning and – while they may question some of Sarah’s (and Sam’s) choices – they will be invested in finding out what happens between them. Well written with touches of humor and the right amount of sizzle, Sarah’s story is a great way to spend a weekend!"

He turned off the car and parked where he usually did. I opened the door and bent forward, running against the rain falling on my head. Suddenly, I felt Sam’s hand touch my back, guiding me toward the back door. I stopped, looked up, and closed my eyes. The rain felt like BB pellets smashing against my face as they picked up speed and weight. I let it pelt my head; water crawled through my scalp until it was soaked. My red gown grew heavy, and I loved every minute of it. It’d been a long time since I danced in the rain.
Katie's Clean Book Collection - Review
"I also love a good romance. An undeniable attraction begins to smolder between Sarah and Sam and she has to come to terms with sacrificing some life-long romance dreams or choosing another potential suitor. . . . The characters feel refreshingly unique and the strands of emotion floating through the pages snagged different pieces of my heart."
Rockin' Book Reviews - Guest Post: Sarah & Sam
Funny, love sick, and a little unsure of herself when it comes to men, Sarah still searches to find Mr. Right, while living with Mr. Sam Turner. Crazy how you can share the same house with someone and never see them as anything but ‘not the one’!
Nicole's Book Musings - Excerpt
Sam texted me his address and told me to come by after lunch. Maybe he waited for me at breakfast, and figured he’d bait me out of my room one way or another. Who knows—maybe he wanted to fire me for not getting back to him on the whole “can we try this thing out.” And the workplace was neutral enough to do it here.
Hardcover Feedback - Review
"I liked Sarah as a main character, she was relatable and real. The story on the whole was very enjoyable. . . . I hope to read the next book whenever it releases, hopefully it'll be soon."
Brooke Blogs - Guest Post: Online Dating
Did you know that the reported busiest season for online dating is January 5th? Me, either. I guess it would be right up there with gym memberships. Everyone wanting to take their current situation to another level. And did you know that one third of all marriages have online dating sprinkled on them? Crazy, huh?
Booklove - Spotlight
Book Lover in Florida - Excerpt
“You know, no matter how many times I’ve put myself out there and gotten rejected, I’m still scared of falling.” I stared out my window and continued to talk. “I used to put all myself into each relationship, and the more I did, the harder I fell. So I began reserving myself a little bit more each time I got with someone new. I would hold back the butterflies, try to ignore the heart palpitations. Because it seemed the second I became invested, that was the moment I’d get the text, email, or note on my car windshield.” I wiped my eyes.
Angels With Attitude Book Reviews - Top Online Dating Movies
Must Love Dogs…okay, I admit, this is one of my go-to movies for writing bills, organizing my desk, and just to hear it play. I have a few movies that fit this category. But this one I like because of its easy flow.
Teatime and Books - Excerpt
Reason number forty-three why I could possibly still be single at the age of thirty-one. Sharing a wardrobe with Mable Watkins. She was four foot nine and seventy-eight years old, and for my entire middle school career, I got all her hand-me-downs. What can I say? I was raised by a single dad who had zero fashion sense, and a keen eye for a bargain. Cable-knit sweaters, solid-colored turtlenecks, and slacks—all in the color scheme of browns and grays.
Wishful Endings - Guest Post: Finding Mr. Right
Sarah Keller, the heroine in “Searching For Sarah” wanted to find Mr. Right as quickly as possible. She’s like my cousin…interested in getting out of town, and on with life at a pretty quick rate. There was no time for dating. But you know what they say about looking for something? You’ll find it the minute you’re not searching! Sort of what happens for Sarah. She bounced from one dead beat guy to another one. Then as fate would have it, she gets introduced to Sam. Disguised as nothing on Sarah’s radar as Mr. Right material, it’s easy for her to overlook this guy. But only for so long!
And don't forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven't already...
(The Sarah Series #1)
Julieann Dove
Julieann Dove
Adult Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 333 pagesApril 27th 2017
The first in a three book series called Searching for Sarah. Come meet Sarah and begin her journey....
Sarah Keller is convinced that her Mr. Right is stuck in traffic…in another country…on another planet. ‘Thirty-one and still single’ isn’t how she wants to be introduced by her dad. That’s why she’s on five dating websites, posing as anything from an avid gardener to a crazed thrill seeker.
Sam Turner is a single dad, workaholic, who owns his own company. Long-term relationships have never worked out for him. That’s why he needs a nanny.
When a mutual friend suggests Sarah take the job temporarily, everything changes for them both. Sarah begins falling for the man who meets almost none of her online criteria. And when strange things start happening—things that jeopardize the safety of Sarah, Sam is the last person she would imagine is hiding something.
Other Books by the Author

Tour Giveaway
- 1 winner will receive a signed copy of Waking Amy (US only)
- 1 winner will receive an ebook of Waking Amy (open internationally)
- Ends May 9th
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