The Science in Science Fiction
by Deborah Heal

have to because Merrideth’s romantic interest is her colleague Brett
Garrison, a dashing young college physics professor. I knew I had to learn a
lot more about physics if I were to have any hope of making him sound like he
knows what he’s talking about. I think it’s working, because Brett is always
going on about such things as cell memory, time perception, the Arrow of Time,
quantum indeterminancy, Schrodinger’s cat, and the like.
Who would have thought quantum physics would
ever show up in a romantic historical novel? But it does, and Brett makes it
sound almost sexy. Oh, he has all the requisite good looks and character
traits of a romantic hero, but Merrideth thinks his brain is the most
attractive thing about him.
A lot of his
physics talk goes over her head, because like me, Merrideth's degree
is in the humanities not science. But when Brett starts talking about time
travel, she is all ears. He does not know about Merrideth’s curious software
that rewinds time on her computer, allowing her to make virtual trips to the
past. Merrideth would love to tell him what she has been up to and get his
professional opinion about how the program works. But she knows she must keep
it secret from the world, and so she just smiles and says nothing when Brett
explains that time travel is impossible because of the laws of physics.
Before I did
my physics research, I assumed like Brett does that time travel was solely
the purview of sci-fi writers. But I was surprised (and happy) to learn that
some scientists actually believe it is possible, and the subject is being
investigated quite seriously. Stephen Hawking said in a lecture he gave:
I think this is an important
subject for research, but one has to be careful not to be labeled a crank …
[But] It might seem possible, that as we advance in science and technology, we
might be able to construct a wormhole, or warp space and time in some other way,
so as to be able to travel into our past.
To be
honest, Hawking does not think time travel is likely, because if so, why hasn’t
someone come back from the future (a la Marty McFly) and taught us how to do
it? And for conspiracy theorists who believe that aliens from the future have
arrived and the government is keeping that information from us, Hawking says, “All I can say is, that if governments were hiding something, they
are doing a pretty poor job of extracting useful information from the aliens.”
dry humor is evident throughout the speech. I
was surprised that he was so funny. But I was more surprised to find
that he believes in God. In discussing the conditions necessary for time travel
he says, “God might have created such a warped universe,
but we have no reason to think that He did.”
And I was
surprised to learn that everyone’s favorite scientist, Albert Einstein, also
believed in God. According to Stephen Barr on his website “Big Questions
Einstein is probably the best
known and most highly revered scientist of the twentieth century, and … although never coming to belief in a personal God, he recognized the impossibility of a non-created universe.
"I want to know how God
created this world, I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the
spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His thoughts, the rest are
"Science without religion is
lame, religion without science is blind."
it's no wonder that so many physicists believe in God. According to Barr,
quantum physics gives a strong argument for his existence and argues against
the prevailing atheist philosophy of “materialism”:
It has gained ground because many
people think that it’s supported by science … Quantum mechanics, however,
throws a monkey wrench into this simple mechanical view of things. [It]
is not ‘logically consistent with present quantum mechanics.’
Once Again: an inspirational novel of history,
mystery & romance (AND science, too!)
my fictional physics professor Brett Garrison believes in God, too. Merrideth
is surprised to discover he is a man of faith, because she assumes all
scientists are agnostics or even atheists. Here is the passage in Once Again where they discuss it:
“Sounds like you really enjoy your classes.” [Merrideth said]
“I do. I love it when students get revved about my favorite topic,
especially when they start thinking outside the box. Today I threw in the concept
of Intelligent Design. You should have seen Alyssa Holderman’s face,” he said,
chuckling at the memory. “You know how she gets that superior smirk right
before she says something sarcastic?”
“You get that, too? I figured it was just me.”
“Oh, no. Alyssa is an equal-opportunity know-it-all smart aleck.”
When they reached the sidewalk she expected their paths to
diverge. He’d go to the faculty parking lot, and she’d walk home in peace, free
of his unsettling presence. But he continued walking with her, talking about
quantum objects, wave function, and other things she had no real understanding
of. He was certainly passionate about his subject. His first piece of advice
for her had been to be enthusiastic in the classroom. She wondered if his
intent now was to model that for her.
Suddenly he stopped walking and said, “Sorry. I must be boring
“Not at all. But I’m still thinking about something you said.
Could you rewind to the part about Intelligent Design? You don’t believe that,
right? You were just getting the kids to think.”
“Don’t you believe in a Creator?”
“Yes, but you’re a physicist. I figured you didn’t.”
He laughed. “That’s what Alyssa said, only with a disparaging
sneer. As I told her, there are plenty of scientists and mathematicians who believe
in Intelligent Design. Albert Einstein and Erwin Schrodinger, two of the most
famous physicists ever, believed in God. Actually, quantum physics provides a
strong logical argument against the atheist philosophy of Materialism, the idea
that the universe is a closed system of cause and effect and we are mere
‘machines made of meat.’ In my opinion, the evidence is overwhelmingly in favor
of creation. As Psalm 19:1 says, ‘The heavens declare the glory of God; the
skies proclaim the work of his hands.’”
Then check out Only
One Way Home, book 2 in the Rewinding Time Series. All my books are available on Amazon dot com. And you can find more about the real people and historical events
depicted in them on my website.
This sounds like a series I would really enjoy. Thanks for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday! (I figured I'd stop by today since I hope to be very busy with a new baby next week at this time!)
Hi, this sounds like a great book and great giveaway. Please feel free to share with my readers too. I have a weekly linkup call Literacy Musing Mondays. Here is this weeks link:
Thanks, Mary. I'll see you there!
Wow! I am especially excited (and grateful) to know that mody scientists do not rule out that God exists and is The Creator. Thank you, Deborah, and Annie for this enlightening interview.
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