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Author’s name: Bobby Nash
Title of book and/or
Series title: Alexandra Holzer’s Ghost Gal
Book #1: Alexandra Holzer’s Ghost Gal: The Wild Hunt (now on
Book #2: Alexandra Holzer’s Ghost Gal: A Haunting We Will
Go… (coming 2015)
Published by Raven’s Head Press.
Brief summary of the
Alexandra Holzer is just your average young paranormal
investigator out to show an early 1960s New York City she knows a thing or two
about ghosts. Join Alex's alter ego, GHOST GAL, and her fiancé, Joshua Demerest, as they do battle with a very ancient ghost and his pals who have a score to
settle with her famed father, ghost hunter Hans Holzer.
“A charming, fun ride that keeps the spirit of the elder
Holzer's work alive.”
--Rue Morgue magazine.
Brief description of
the world or location you created for this story:
Young Alexandra Holzer lives and works as a ghost hunter in
early 1960s New York City. Our story involves ghosts and there are times we get
glimpses of the other side, as it were.
If we were to visit
New York City as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
Alexandra lives in the Soho district, which is filled with
artisans and all sorts of creative people. There’s a lot to see and do within
walking distance of her office.
What dangers should
we avoid in New York City?
In a city as large as New York City, there are all manner of
people as well as other… shall we say, entities living there. Not all of them
are what you might call friendly.
Is there a distinct
or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in New York City?
Walk down any side street in New York City and you’re likely
to find something interesting. It’s a great place to expand your palate.
What types of
weaponry or fighting styles are common in New York City?
Alexandra is a scrapper. She’s learning new styles and
techniques all the time. She’s not an expert yet. We’re seeing her early days
and she still has a lot to learn.
What types of
vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to New York City?
Whatever they can get their hands on, but Alexandra and her
fiancé, Joshua, do spend a good deal of time walking as well.

Both of these elements are a big part of Ghost Gal’s world.
She sees things that most people do not and she is quite often the only thing
standing between the supernatural and us. Alexandra not only stands against the
“bad” ghosts and goblins, but she also works with a couple of gentlemen who
represent the light and dark sides of the world. The relationships between
Alexandra and her liaisons, Samuel Esau and Jacob Black are some of my favorites
to write.
Is there any advanced
or unusual technology in New York City? If you haven’t described it already,
please give some examples.
The New York City in Ghost Gal is very much the same as in
the real world, but there’s a lot of other stuff going on that most New Yorkers
either never see or have learned not to see. That said, Alexandra and her
father, the famed Hans Holzer, have access to a few odds and ends that give
them an edge. They’ve picked up some interesting items over the years.
Are there any other
unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit New York City?
New York is an incredible city. Enjoy yourself, but don’t
let your guard down.
Has anything in your
actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
Real life always inspires bits and pieces of my work. With
this series, however, I’m also writing the fictional exploits of Alexandra
Holzer, her fiancé Joshua Demerest, and her parents, the Countess Catherine
Buxhoeveden and famed Ghost Hunter Hans Holzer. These are all real people. Even
though this book is a work of fiction, I want to make the characters feel like
their real-life counterparts. Frequent conversations with Alexandra have been
invaluable in making this feel as real and authentic as I can make it.
What, if any,
“hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
I don’t think there’s anything too controversial in
Alexandra Holzer’s Ghost Gal: The Wild Hunt. I write to entertain and that was
my main focus here. I wanted to tell the best story I could. If anything in the
book becomes “hot-button” or “controversial” then that’s okay too, but it
wasn’t my goal while writing the novel.
From his secret lair in the wilds of Bethlehem, Georgia,
2013 Pulp Ark Award Winning Best Author Bobby Nash writes a little bit of
everything including novels, comic books, short prose, graphic novels,
screenplays, media tie-ins, and more.
Between writing deadlines, Bobby is an actor and extra in
movies and television, including appearances in Deviant Pictures’ Fat Chance,
FOX’s The Following, USA’s Satisfaction, AMC’s Halt and Catch Fire, and more.
Bobby is a member of the International Association of Media Tie-in Writers and
International Thriller Writers.
Bobby was named Best Author in the 2013 Pulp Ark Awards, his
first professional writing award. Rick Ruby, a character co-created by Bobby
and author Sean Taylor also snagged a Pulp Ark Award for Best New Pulp
Character of 2013. Bobby was also nominated for the 2014 New Pulp Awards and
Pulp Factory Awards for his work.
For more information on Bobby Nash, please visit him at
www.bobbynash.com and social media.
Where, and in what
formats, can we purchase your book?
Alexandra Holzer’s Ghost Gal: The Wild Hunt can be purchased
at the following:
Amazon US (paperback)
Amazon CA (paperback)
Amazon UK (paperback)
Barnes and Noble (paperback)
Books-A-Million (paperback)
Amazon (Kindle) ebook
Amazon CA (Kindle) ebook
Amazon UK (Kindle) ebook
Barnes and Noble (Nook) ebook

iTunes (ebook)
And more.
You can find an ever-growing list of purchase links at
www.bobbynash.com &
An audio version of Alexandra Holzer’s Ghost Gal: The Wild
Hunt is also set to be released in the coming months.
Where can readers
connect with you online?
I am all over the internet. You can find me at
www.bobbynash.com, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, and Pinterest, among
other places across the web. Please stop by and say hello.
I hope you all enjoyed the trip to New York. Questions about the world or the book? Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!
Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.
Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the frozen wastelands of the North, in Realm Explorers Part XXIX!
Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.
Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the frozen wastelands of the North, in Realm Explorers Part XXIX!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Thanks, Annie.
You're welcome. It's my pleasure!
I always enjoy sci-fi stuff that is set in known locations. Thanks for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday! Merry Christmas!
Thanks for the comment, Tina. I had a blast writing 1960's New York, definitely a different place than it is today. I start work on book 2 soon so it'll be fun to revisit this world.
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