Welcome to Realm Explorers! In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors. Enjoy your travels! And don't forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book.
Author’s name:
Dyego Alehandro
Title of book and/or
Avarice Dynasty: Evasion
Brief summary of the
Drevin Cantrim awakens to find out he’s one of the few survivors of
a starliner explosion, and that the tragedy was no accident. He must race to try
and figure out what he might have done to anger the Barons before their
unstoppable assassin finds him and his friends.
Brief description of
the world or location you created for this story:
The Frontier Worlds are
on the other side of the Milky Way galaxy in a dense supercluster of stars.
There are 105 star systems with habitable planets or otherwise exploitable
celestial bodies. One of the planets visited in the story is New Mercury, a
frozen rock that’s farthest from its star. It is a harsh existence but the
mineral and liquid wealth of the planet means that there are always people
living there. It is located in the Canine Taurus star system, in the Canine
Star Province.
If we were to visit
New Mercury as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do there?
During Sunside, there are regular tourist tours out to the mining facilities
and the Worlds-famous Hosgen Glaciers. Several of the enclosed cities, known as
Habitats, have excellent spas using fresh glacier water. New Mercury is not
generally considered a tourist destination, however, so most of the locals
would point you elsewhere for a visit.
What dangers should
we avoid on New Mercury?
Never try to fly or visit the surface without
protection, and definitely don’t do it during Farside. That’s when the planet’s
long rotation turns it away from the sun. The temperatures drop so quickly that
the methane freezes right out of the atmosphere, dropping in large, dangerous
chunks of ice.
Is there a distinct
or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served on New Mercury?
Amazingly enough, there are six types of aquatic animals that can survive the
extremely harsh environment. Three of those species are edible as expensive
delicacies that are only available onsite.
What types of
weaponry or fighting styles are common on New Mercury?
New Mercury is in
the realm of the BloodGutters, one of the six currently-ruling Alpha Cartels.
The BloodGutters, as their name implies, favor vicious warfare with a lot of
chemical weapons. The planet itself has never been the site of a battle during
either of the Cartel Wars; the locals figure they have a rough enough existence
and don’t bother with war.

The only plant life are microscopic algae that populate the vast
frozen oceans, and which feed two of the six aquatic species. The six-foot-long
Mercales are the top predators and make for an excellent soup.
Is there any advanced
or unusual technology on New Mercury?
New Mercury is one of the few planets
where the cities are completely enclosed. The large transparent domes must be
protected during Farside, otherwise the constant methane-ice bombardment would
crack them open. Large metal armor plates are raised over the cities every time
the planet starts to head Farside. This armor system is one of the greatest,
and most expensive, technological wonders of the Frontier Worlds.
Are the days of the
week and months of the year the same on New Mercury as on Earth?
Mercury does not have a local calendar that is anywhere near Old Earth’s. The
planet with the calendar closest to Old Earth is called Prime. To give an
example, New Mercury’s nights last six Prime days and it has no moon so there
are no technical months. Its year, measured by how long it takes to orbit, is
204 Prime years. The locals are kept in sync with the rest of the Frontier
Worlds because every planet goes by Prime time, regardless of local conditions.
That’s a good thing, because none of the locals would ever get to celebrate a
birthday if they went by New Mercury time.
Is there a particular
religion practiced on New Mercury?
Please describe what it involves.
Religion is a varied thing in the
Frontier Worlds. Most of the people who left Old Earth brought a form of
religion with them, but by the time they reached the Frontier Worlds these had
changed. Most believe in a God of some sort, and the Bible is still regularly
used, but there are not many standardized religions left after the Anarchy and
the Cartel Wars. Spur Tarc is fairly famous on New Mercury as a radical
preacher who claims that a person’s footwear is exceedingly important in
gaining God’s approval.
What is the political
or government structure on New Mercury?
Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
The power structure in the Frontier Worlds goes Barons > Alpha Cartels >
Local Government. In the more populous and frequented worlds, the Barons and
Alpha Cartels exert a huge amount of influence. New Mercury is a distant and
harsh planet, so the Barons barely even notice it. There is a BloodGutter
Governor-General in charge, but she rarely visits the planet. The local
Habitats have a loose coalition of mayors who make and enforce the day-to-day
laws. Government is something that isn’t really on the minds of the locals;
survival is a more pressing and urgent need.
Are there any other
unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit New Mercury?
If the Habitat you wish to visit is on the Farside they will be completely out
of contact for up to six days. This has led to a culture where people are
regularly cut off from the outside world and must rely on each other for
anything they need. Patience is a huge virtue among New Mercurians, and anybody
who tries to force a conversation or a landing with a Farside Habitat is
usually shot out of the sky with little warning. They take their survival and
their culture very seriously.
Has anything in your
actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your book?
Mercury was inspired by the three years I spent in a small town in Iowa when I
was 9-12. The world froze over every winter, something I wasn’t used to in
southern California, and everything seemed to grind to a halt. The town was close-knit
and everybody knew everybody else. Going outside required effort and at times
great expense.
What, if any,
“hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
I write
mostly for entertainment value. If I had to pick a theme, it would be this:
humans are quite capable of ruining our own lives without needing evil alien
overlords invading. But despite the sunken depths of humanity, there will
always be those few who stand up and try to make things better. Drevin Cantrim
is one of those people.
Author Autobiography:
I was born not far from Los Angeles and spent the
next nine years living in seven or eight different locations in southern
California. I moved to Iowa for three years (and two different houses) and then
back to California. Then I moved to Phoenix, Arizona in 1999 and have lived in
that hot dustbowl ever since. I started writing just before the move to Iowa
and haven’t stopped since. I enjoy playing computer and board games with my
wife, and am an Adult Fan of Legos.
Where, and in what
formats, can we purchase your book(s)?
The ebook is available from Amazon in
kindle format, and available as every other format from Smashwords.
There is also a print
edition available from Amazon as well.
By the way, there is a FREE short story collection set in the same universe, in case anyone wants to see some other worlds and characters or just find out if they like my writing style. Click here to download your copy now!
By the way, there is a FREE short story collection set in the same universe, in case anyone wants to see some other worlds and characters or just find out if they like my writing style. Click here to download your copy now!
Where can readers
connect with you online? There’s my
blog, which I don’t update nearly often enough. There’s also Facebook, Twitter and GooglePlus. There’s also the main portal to all of my books, including
those I’ve co-authored.
I hope you all enjoyed the trip to New Mercury. Questions about the planet or the book? Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you! Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the fantasy world of Finian Jahndra, in Realm Explorers Part II!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Are you an author who would like your world to appear on Realm Explorers? Click here to download the instructions and interview form, or email me at AnnieDouglassLima@gmail.com for more information.
Your New Mercury sounds like a harsh and believable world. Great stuff, Dyego! And thanks, Annie, for an interesting new series. :)
Thanks, Katy! New Mercury was a fun world to envision and write about...I might just have to include it in a short story someday soon.
And also major thanks to Annie for this series. I am excited to explore other worlds and realms!
Thanks you for sharing at Whatever Wednesday on Thank You Honey! Hope to see you again next week!
This is a fun idea to introduce us to new worlds each week. I love it! Thanks for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday! Always love having you there!
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