Happy Easter!

The day really isn't celebrated here in Taiwan, so we haven't seen any chocolate eggs or bunnies or other decorations around - which is actually kind of nice. I think it helps us focus on the real meaning of the day when all the extra stuff isn't there (much as I'd enjoy a Cadbury creme egg right now - the one in the picture is making my mouth water!). But our church had a special Easter service this morning with several people giving their testimonies, and at least two people committed their lives to the Lord! Now that's worth celebrating!
Then this evening Floyd and I splurged and took a taxi out for Easter dinner at our favorite Thai food restaurant downtown. Not that anything they served would have been seen on the table today in the average American household (unless you normally eat deep-fried sea bass or stir-fried morning glory or satay pork in peanut sauce or mystery-fruit ice cream for Easter dinner), but we enjoyed it very much all the same. Of course, it might have been nice to have a table with a view of something other than the backside of the idol outside the window, but I guess you can't have everything.
We're nearing the end of our week-long break from school, and I don't think any of the teachers really feel ready to go back to work yet. But the fun part is, the new classrooms that have been under construction all year are finally finished. We all got a couple of extra "moving days" before Easter break started, to transfer everything from our old classrooms in the temporary block to the new ones on the other end of campus. I must say, the new buildings look great, both inside and out! The middle school students all spent a morning helping to carry desks and things as a service activity, and there were a number of parent volunteers as well as a professional moving company to handle the really heavy things, so we had lots of help. I love the way my new classroom looks now! (The picture above shows an area at the side of the room where I have the students' "cubbies" set up, and the one below is our classroom library.) So as much as I'm enjoying my time off, I must admit I'm looking forward to finishing the school year in the new room.
The other best part of our Easter break was our vacation in Kenting, in southern Taiwan. Click here to read my blog post about that.
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