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Author’s name: Juli D. Revezzo
Title of book and/or series: The
Dragon’s Seamstress (Antique Magic, book 5) Brief summary of the
As witches Caitlin and Trevor prepare for a family gathering, a creature out
of fantasy and myth bounds into their lives demanding they repair his precious
cloak. But the cloak isn’t made of run of the mill material, but is also laced
with magic. How will they satisfy his demands? And if they don’t, will he eat
Brief description of the world or location you created for this story:
since the Antique Magic series is urban fantasy, there are two. One is the
world Caitlin and Trevor live in a small town just outside Pensacola called
Gulf Breeze. It’s a small town of about 6,500 inhabitants. The coolest thing
about the town is they are in view of a fort from the early days of the Civil
War. The fort is, supposedly, haunted, so that’s why I chose the location. They
have the accompanying weather—heat, mild winters, thunderstorms, and
hurricanes, which they frequently fret over. Throughout the series, under an
assignment from the goddess Arianrhod, the couple have dealt with (and helped)
spirits that come to them for assistance. But this is the first time they’ve
ever had a dragon drop by.
The other is the Welsh “Otherworld”, Annwn (pronounced, but it’s okay to say
Annwin if you like, in fact, good ole Wikipedia says one of its pronunciations
is Annwvyn). Annwn is, like, their heaven. The entrance and Ariarhod’s castle,
is Medieval in tone. But Annwn has tons of areas and can fluctuate between eras
(the battleground especially changes depending on the mood of the Otherworld
soldiers and what tournament they’re holding). Caitlin and Trevor frequently
visit Arianrhod’s courtyard, where (especially Cait) is usually turned away at
the gate by the temperamental guards (in Mourning Dove Locket) or let in on
special occasions (in Caitlin’s Book of Shadows). In The Dragon’s Seamstress,
the couple learns there’s a whole other section they’ve never known about where
dragons live. Mostly, the Otherworld inhabitants come to Gulf Breeze with their
If we were to visit Gulf Breeze as tourists, what would you recommend that we
see or do there?
If you’re a history buff, you have to go Fort Pickens! :) It’s
a really cool, old fort, built in a pentagonal shape with lots of nooks and
crannies to explore. If you’re not a history buff, definitely head to the
Sometimes, the ghosts and other entities can get a little confused, so tread
lightly, if you run across one. (And as a practical tip, if you go to the
beach, be mindful of undertow.)
(And in Annwn, you can find yourself in trouble if you try a raid on the
Spoils of Annwn. :) So be warned. Don’t try to go after their riches. You don’t
want your soul eaten by a proper Hound of Annwn. [see below for more on them.])
Is there a distinct or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served
in Gulf Breeze?
They have great seafood.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common in Gulf Breeze?
We try to avoid confrontations, but Caitlin has some self-defense training,
and…she can throw magic at a pesky imp and fry its…erm, tail, even without the
help of her latest charge. :)
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or
to Gulf Breeze?
Cars, bicycles, other automobiles. But Caitlin has the special talent of
being able to teleport, learned from her mentor, a “guardian” sent to her and
Trevor by Arianrhod. And they’ve learned the goddess, enjoys, especially, our
expensive, flashy cars.
What types of plants, animals, or sentient races might we encounter in Gulf
Breeze that we don’t see on Earth?
Caitlin and Trevor have adopted a Hound of Annwn named Rhonabwy (pronounced
Ron-a-bwee). He is a dog-being out of Celtic legend, with white fur and
red-tipped ears, (a marker of the Otherworld) who can detect supernatural
beings. He can speak telepathically with Caitlin and Trevor and their witch
friends are learning to hear him. His fur is always cool to Caitlin’s, instead
of warm, and his eyes glow red when he’s in protection mode. He doesn’t have to
obey the laws of physics so can just appear at their sides, and …do other
things that if I tell you, here, will be a spoiler for The Dragon’s Seamstress!
Ahem, Rhonabwy was originally raised by Arianrhod’s supernatural kennels, to
join the Hounds of Annwn, who hunt souls, but…he didn’t like that job at all.
So, Arianrhod’s pack-keepers ousted him, and Caitlin found him loping around a
corner in her hometown, one day, and fell in love. He’s been with them ever
since, and yes, defends her against, and warns her of, supernatural threats.
But, poor thing, he ain’t sure how to deal with this dragon. ;) There are other
gods living in Annwn, too, but as Arianrhod is the patron goddess of Trevor and
Caitlin’s family, she’s the only one who visits them. Her, Michela (their
family guardian), and the gate guardians.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play in the lives of
people in a huge role? If there is magic, please give some examples of what it
involves or how it’s used.
Caitlin is a witch, and first encountered the supernatural in the first book
in the Antique Magic series, The Artist’s Inheritance. Here, Trevor (who is a
woodworker) started building an odd chair that the goddess Arianrhod tried to
get him to give to her. But, she didn’t just walk right up and ask, but tried
to blend in with human society, and so sent her emissary, Michela. On the other
side, a pesky imp tried to keep Trevor from giving it up. All the while,
Caitlin sensed there was something otherworldly about Michela, Arianrhod, and
this imp—and got hit with a bunch of odd visions, including being visited by
the ghost of her husband’s ancestor.
She thought she was going mad, until she reconnected with an old friend from
school, who just so happened to be a witch, too. It was the friend who realized
what was happening to Caitlin. So she knows everything Caitlin needs to learn
and between her and her coven, they helped Caitlin get control of her budding
powers and drive off the imp, and save her husband’s sanity (and life). Then,
in the next books, Caitlin gained more and more control and learned more about
ghosts (they’re not scary, after all—for the most part—just lost and lonely and
in need of her “ear” and a helping hand). She can blast an enemy, if necessary,
she can pick up an item and “see” its history. She sometimes gets yanked into a
vision of the original owner’s life, which (as discombobulating as that can be)
it can be helpful. From her coven, she’s learned enough herbalism to whip up
helpful medicines; she’s learned the history and legends of this goddess, and
Trevor’s Welsh ancestry. They both have (Trevor too is a witch).
They even helped a teen witch gain control of her own growing powers and
they’ve both frequently visited Arianrhod’s realm of Annwn (that’s a whole
‘nother Realm Explorer’s), but they don’t go often, onscreen. (It makes an
appearance in the freebie “Caitlin’s Book
of Shadows”.
Caitlin’s magic also comes in handy in that she and Trevor run an antique
store, and from time to time, she senses spiritual and magical vibes from
treasures people bring in or inquire about. These always work into the series,
somehow. For instance, in The Dragon’s Seamstress, a customer comes in looking
for antique “witches” brooms that turn out to be a little more than meets the
Also, in the book, the dragon is (obviously) magical, and furthermore, he
has a cloak that he wears that is made of the beards of all the kings he’s
defeated. One beard might, they speculate, have come from King Arthur. Also, at
one point, he gives Caitlin a gift that pushes her powers beyond even those of
her old school chum, the longtime witch. So, I can’t wait to see what she can
do next!

Caitlin and Trevor live in the modern world so they have everything we do:
television, coffeemakers, computers, cars, Internet etc.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that are available for
entertainment in Gulf Breeze.
The usual—movies, books, radio. Trevor likes to surf. Gulf Breeze also has
antique stores, like Trevor and Caitlin’s. I can’t say whether those others
receive magical and magic-touched items like Cait and Trevor do, though. ;)
Are the days of the week and months of the year the same? What holidays or
special events are celebrated regularly there?
Yes; as a matter of fact, in The
Dragon’s Seamstress, the couple are gearing up for Thanksgiving dinner
with their families and friends. Caitlin and Trevor also celebrate the holidays
peculiar to the Welsh and pagan calendars. Samhain (October 31), Gwyl Awst
(August 1), also the full moons, they always try to get together with their
coven. They do only close their antique shop on national holidays, though (New
Years, Christmas, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, etc).
Is there a particular religion practiced in Gulf Breeze? Please describe
what it involves.
Caitlin and Trevor (and their coven) are pagan so they revere pagan gods—in
their case, in particular, the Welsh gods of Trevor’s family, that being the
goddess Arianrhod. They also, via their coven, revere the goddess of light. The
coven gets together on solstices and equinoxes, Samhain, Gwyl Awst,
August 1st (the abovementioned Gwyl Awst), May 1st, and so on, according
to the modern pagan calendar. They cast circles, which contains their magical
energy while they do their charms. At least when they’re together. If Caitlin
needs to defend against a pesky imp, circles, be damned, she’s just going to
blast the thing! She’ll also “bless” the homes of her friends and family to
keep them safe and happy, and their environment loving and peaceful. She’s also
been known to cook the best feasts around, and mix up fine teas.
Are there any other unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if
we visit Gulf Breeze?
If a ghost walks by, say hello.
Has anything in your actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in
your book?
I’ve an art history degree, and a love of Celtic mythology. I also know some
artists, so all of these things tied into the series. Oh, and Caitlin and
Trevor’s antique store is inspired by a few that we have around town. And yes,
I have actually visited Gulf Breeze. The one in the books doesn’t have exactly
the same layout as the real town, but, I have. It’s a nice little coastal town,
with lovely beaches, and of course, Fort Pickens. A few other things: Caitlin’s
neighbor knits, and I can (a little); also, alas, in 2017, I had experience
with the hurricane they talk about in The Dragon’s Seamstress. Welcome to
Florida life. (haha). Caitlin lives further north of us and down here in our area,
we had rubble—in fact, according to the news, there were piles of it all over
the state for even after Christmas, that year. So it was hard not to be
constantly reminded of it, that year.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do you touch on in your
It really depends on the book. But throughout the Antique Magic series, I’ve
covered the Civil War, spousal domination, Cuban history and the Revolution,
flappers, and a huge dose of feminism. In fact, at one point, Trevor answers
the dragon’s question with “Haven’t you figured out who runs this house yet?
Cait does.”
Juli D. Revezzo is a Florida girl with a love of speculative and romantic
fiction and legend, and loves writing stories with all kinds of fantastical
elements. She is the author of The Antique Magic series and the fantasy romance
Celtic Stewards Chronicles series, along with a few historical romance novels,
among others. She is also a member of the Independent Author Network and the
Magic Appreciation Tour.
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your books? Please include
The Dragon’s Seamstress releases August 11, 2019 in ebook and coming soon to paperback via
The other books in the series (and the reading order) are:
The Artist’s Inheritance (Antique
Magic, book 1)
Caitlin’s Book of Shadows (Antique
Magic, book 2)
Drawing Down the Shades (Antique
Magic, book 3)
Mourning Dove Locket (Antique
Magic, book 4)
The Dragon’s Seamstress (
Antique Magic,book 5)
And, well, to understand everything you should probably read them in order,
at least start with book one. Just so you know, some readers think the first
two can be a little creepy, as Caitlin is creeped out by her early contact with
the ghosts around her. As she gets a handle on things, the “fear” factor
vanishes. Really, the ghosts aren’t scary-creepy-evil once you get to know
them. They’re more like friendly spirits, or (can I say this?) “Force” ghosts.
They’re in need of someone like Caitlin and Trevor to listen to them, and even
helpful, when you get to know them. Some can be pesky, some can be belligerent.
Just like people.
In The Dragon’s Seamstress,
a friendly ancestral ghost helps the couple figure out what it is that is
coming to them for assistance, this time, when the dragon is still playing hide
and seek with them. You’ll see what I mean when you read the book.
Where can readers connect with you online?
My website, of course, is the main
Find all my books on Amazon. I have a
few on Itunes, Barnes and Noble, and Kobo, too. Those links are on my website,
if you need them. (I’m working on getting the series turned into audiobooks,
but it’s going to take time. If that’s your favorite format, feel free to join
my newsletter—linked below—and I’ll let you know when they’re available.)
They can follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Bookbub, I have a Pinterest
board for the Antique Magic series, and you can join my newsletter here, if
you like, to be kept abreast of new releases. Here's the synopsis, if you'd
like to check it out:
Since Caitlin and Trevor vowed to assist the Otherworld and opened their enchanted
antique shop, they’ve seen many strange things. But now, someone comes in
asking for a mundane item: kitschy “witches” brooms. Has their magical life
returned to normal?
As the couple prepares to host a family gathering, fate intervenes and something
they’ve never seen before roars into their life: A creature out of Welsh legend
and fantasy: A blundering, somewhat underdeveloped dragon—not at all the type
of dragon they ever expected to meet. Forced to undertake his unique challenge,
Caitlin and Trevor are perplexed by his demands, but the magical beast is
certain they are the only witches who can help him.
Doing so might unlock an ancient hidden secret. Refusing might destroy them.
I hope you will enjoy The Dragon's Seamstress as much as I enjoyed writing
it. Thank you for having me again here at your lovely little home, Annie!
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-Annie Douglass Lima
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