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Author’s name: Marty C. Lee
Title of book and/or series: Wind of Choice (Unexpected Heroes #1)
Brief summary of the story:
skydancing dreams die when he’s condemned to a hated job. The sixteen-year-old
winged boy is left with one chance to win his freedom—rescue a kidnapped god.
How hard
could it be?
But when
the other gods disappear, the elements run amok. With a spunky gilled islander,
a desert explorer, and a shapeshifting healer, Ahjin races to save his
shattering world.
Brief description of the world or location you created
for this story:
Kaiatan is a planet
with three continents and a large archipelago. Each land group holds a
different race (different species). The shapeshifters live north, the winged
people to the east, the gilled islanders to the west, and the desert people to
the south.
If we were to visit Kaiatan as tourists, what would
you recommend that we see or do there?
If you aren’t afraid of heights, you can admire the
view from high cliffs of Ioj. The capital,Vasi, is the most metropolitan city
in the world, with a large library stocked from their new printing press, an
elegant palace, and the elaborate temple of Irajahan, God of Air.
Darrendra is quietly agricultural and forested, but
the temple of Darravani, Goddess of Earth, in the capital city, has the most
impressive gardens in the world. Her elephant-shifter priests are mild-mannered
if you behave. You MUST have permission to travel through the land!
Nokailana has no elegant architecture, but if you can
swim, you can admire the underwater towns and their road-pictures. Catch one of
the festivals held every six days to enjoy food, music, and merriment, and, if
you’re lucky, maybe a glimpse of Makanavailea, Goddess of Water.
A good guide can lead you along the west coast of
Iskra to see the famed desert horses. Most of the areas attractive to tourists
are too far south, but if your ship is swept off-course, visit the craft
workshops and the perfume gardens. Don’t draw the mischievous attention of
Resef, God of Fire.
What dangers should we avoid in Kaiatan?
It is simple to visit Ioj or Nokailana, but don’t
venture past the shores of Iskra without a desert guide, and whatever you do,
don’t enter Darrendra without permission. Due to the slightly lighter gravity
and the higher air density and oxygen content, monsters can grow to impressive
sizes. Giant kraken swim in the ocean, the desert has scorpions as big as a
panther, man-sized bats roost in the forest, and knee-high spiders haunt
northern Ioj. And recently, someone kidnapped all the gods. Until the
perpetrator is caught, be very wary, and watch for the earthquakes, hurricanes,
and tidal waves spawned by the gods’ absence.
What types of weaponry or fighting styles are common
in Kaiatan?
Bows are common
everywhere but Nokailana, though they vary from the simple recurves in Ioj to
the powerful composite bows in Darrendra. Iskrins use swords, knives, and
staffs in addition to a variety of bows. Iojif use weighted throwing ropes and
slingshots. Darrendrakar vary wildly in their weapons use, so you might see
axes, swords, staffs, knives, or merely their natural weaponry (teeth, claws,
horns, etc). Nokai are remarkably good with their harpoons, and you don’t want
to be on the wrong side of their serrated knives.
What types of vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are
used to travel in or to Kaitatan?
Ships, horses, wagons, etc. If not transporting cargo, the Darrendrakar tend to
travel on their own two (or four) feet and the Iojif prefer to fly themselves.
What role, if any, does magic or the supernatural play
in the lives of people in Kaiatan? If
there is magic, please give some examples of what it involves or how it’s used.
The priests of Irajahan use telepathy to communicate
with him and each other. Each Nokai baby is given a gift from their goddess,
which might or might not be “magic,” such as universal interpretation. While
you might consider the shapeshifting Darrendrakar to be magic, they consider it
an entire natural situation, but they do have the occasional citizen with an
odd talent. Iskra is famed for the amazing healers from their Tukiko clan, and
Resef occasionally creates a fire mage for his own devious reasons.
Is there any advanced or unusual technology in
Kaiatan? If you haven’t described it
already, please give some examples.
Ioj is quite proud of their new printing press, and Iskra makes a fine spyglass.
Tell us about any sports, games, or activities that
are available for entertainment in Kaiatan.
The cliffs of Ioj are the site of the annual
cliff-diving competition of the winged race, and there are several companies of
aerial acrobats that perform regularly.
Fishing, sailing, and swimming are popular in
Nokailana. They also have an annual swearing competition (not for the faint of
heart, and no, you don’t see it in the book).
Iskra has horse races that are open to the public, if
you can get there through the desert. Darrendra also has an annual “horse” race, but the
runners are Darrendrakar in their second shape, and visitors are not allowed.
What holidays or special events are celebrated
regularly there?
The Nokai celebrate their goddess every six days as well
as on special holidays. When the Nokai come of age at 6000 days, they throw a
party. (Really, if you’re in a party mood, Nokailana is the place to visit.)
Ioj holds monthly presentations at the temple for the
new adults that just turned sixteen years old.
What is the political or government structure in
Kaitan? Who is in charge there at the
moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
Ioj has an appointed potentate that takes care of
day-to-day matters, but Irajahan rules in name and fact. If he weren’t a god,
he’d be called a dictator, but as is, everyone keeps their mouth shut.
Darrendra has local councils of men and women in each
village, including the headman (or woman) and local priest. Interkindred
conflict is settled by the temple priests in the capital.
Iskra has similar local councils. Disputes or
interclan conflict are settled by a joint council of clans or by direct
intervention from Resef. The joint council is considered safer than the god’s
Nokailana has one elected leader per village. Terms
are short, as nobody wants to be stuck with the responsibility for long. Makana’s
priests are dolphins, but they don’t have much to do.
What, if any, “hot-button” or controversial topics do
you touch on in your book?
I do have
a suicidal-thoughts scene. It never gets to actual suicide.
Author Autobiography:

Her characters take over her brain on a regular basis.
If you catch her muttering to thin air, she’s probably arguing with one of her
characters. She has learned to keep a notebook by her bed to jot down ideas so
she can go to sleep and deal with them in the morning.
In between writing and spending time with her family,
she reads, embroiders, gardens, and teaches small children at church. She
prefers walking over bicycles or cars, because her feet are less scary. (If she
walks, she can read at the same time, which is a nice bonus.)
Where, and in what formats, can we purchase your
book(s)? Please include links.
It’s on Amazon, Kobo, iBooks, Nook, Overdrive, and a
bunch of other places. You can get the ebook (mobi or epub) or a paperback in
regular or large print.
Where can readers connect with you online?
I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Kaiatan. Questions about the world or the book? Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!
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-Annie Douglass Lima
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