Welcome to Realm Explorers! In this weekly series, we visit a variety of unique worlds created by talented science fiction and fantasy authors. Enjoy your travels! And don't forget to read to the bottom of the post to find out more about each author and see how to purchase the featured book.
Author’s name: William Woodall
Title of book and or
The Tyke McGrath Series.
There are five books in this series, including Nightfall, Tycho, Avenger, Freedom, and Elysium. Readers can begin
either with Tycho or with Nightfall (which is more of a prologue). This series is a loose continuation of both
the Last Werewolf Hunter series and
the Unclouded Day series, but readers
need not have read those other series first before enjoying this one.
Brief summary of the
This series follows the
adventures of a boy named Tycho McGrath (Tyke to his friends) who is a
brilliant high school genetics student in Tampa when he discovers that a
man-made plague known as the Orion Strain is about to wipe out all human and
animal life on earth. He and several
friends and family members escape to the partially terraformed Moon to survive,
and from there the story progresses for the next five years as Tyke grows up,
falls in love, fights unexpected enemies, and sometimes learns a thing or two
about his purpose in life and how hard it can be to fulfill the expectations of
others. In the process he slowly moves
from being an indifferent Christian who isn’t terribly interested in spiritual
things to a mature believer ready to take up the work that God has assigned to
Brief description of
the world or location you created for this story:
This series takes place in the real universe,
about a hundred and fifty years in the future.
Most of the action takes place on the Moon, Venus, Mars, and Titan (a
large moon of Saturn).
If we were to visit
any of these places as tourists, what would you recommend that we see or do
There are lots of things to
see and do, especially on the Moon since it was purposely designed to delight
tourists. Some of Tyke’s favorite places
are the emerald green beaches of the Summer Isles in the Sea of Tranquility,
the skyscraper-sized cliffs where visitors can jump a thousand feet into Lake
Boscovich, and Trinity Bay on the Sea of Serenity, where visitors can hunt the
edible blue Hamburger Crabs among the cypress trees. Tyke also particularly loves the beautiful golden
meadows of Eleuthera above the Cytherean Sea on Venus, and the thousand-foot
Angel Falls on Mars. The most
fascinating thing on Titan is the Temple of Muwamanth, which is built of solid
ice in the middle of a black jungle. There
are many other things, too.
What dangers should
we avoid in this future time?
leftover spores of the Orion Strain are still present all over the earth, a
constant danger if you’ve never been vaccinated. Depending on where you went, you’d have to
contend with deadly heat or bone-chilling cold, hostile aliens and humans, poisonous
gases, lack of food/water/air, radiation poisoning, horrific storms, vicious mutant
animals, and dangerously unreliable equipment.
Not to mention traitors who might stab you in the back at any time.
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Tharsis Region, Mars |
Is there a distinct
or unusual type of food or meal that we might be served in these worlds? On most of these worlds the food is typical
American, but on Titan one might be served a salad made of chunks of tar and
sprinkled with gasoline, with a sharp piece of bone to eat with. It would be an inedible meal, of course, but
the A’rum would consider it rude not to serve you.
What types of
weaponry or fighting styles are common in these worlds?
Human weaponry generally includes both bullets
and lasers, depending on the situation.
Humans also use taser-like stunners when they don’t wish to kill. It’s common to wear silvery, reflective
“mirrorsuits” as armor against lasers. The
A’rum of Titan have no metal, so their weaponry is made entirely of string and
pieces of bone. This usually involves
slings, whips, and knives.
What types of
vehicles, animals, technology, etc. are used to travel in or to these worlds?
Humans have land rovers, jets, and spacecraft
of various kinds. The A’rum either walk
or fly.
What types of plants,
animals, or sentient races might we encounter in these worlds that we don’t see
on earth?
Most plants and animals
are typical earthly ones, except on Titan.
There you would find the sentient A’rum who resemble large hairless bats
and whose body chemistry is based on acetylene rather than sugar. There are also “fish” and “eagles” on Titan
with similar body chemistry. Plants
include “algae” and succulent “elephant ear trees” with large flat leaves and
lots of thorns, which will pull apart like taffy and spontaneously melt and
then boil if a human holds them in his hand. To any living thing on Titan, the body of a
human being feels hotter than a blowtorch.
On the Moon one would find several genetically-engineered plants and
animals including freshwater versions of marlin and giant kelp, vampire roaches
which travel in swarms and attack other animals for blood, highly aggressive “monsters”
which resemble giant beavers with needle-sharp teeth, the blue Hamburger Crabs
which were designed to taste like hamburger meat when roasted, and many species
of flowers found nowhere else.
What role, if any, does
magic or the supernatural play in the lives of the people in this series? If there is magic, please give some examples
of what it involves or how it’s used.
There is no magic in these worlds, but the supernatural does play a
part. Characters have true dreams of
things they couldn’t have known otherwise, and there is miraculous healing
sometimes. There are sometimes supernatural
objects such as the Guardian Stones and holy water.
Is there any advanced
or unusual technology in the future? If
you haven’t described it already, please give some examples.
One of the most interesting is the tachometer,
a device used for observing what will take place in the future. It can also transport individuals to the
future, although it’s strictly a one-way trip with no possible return. There are advanced methods of genetic
engineering, computer design, and engine propulsion. There are also several methods available for
terraforming new worlds (that is, transforming them into places where earthly
living things could survive).
Tell us about any
sports, games, or activities that are available for entertainment in the future.
There is reverse bungee-jumping on Deimos, in
which people take advantage of the low gravity to jump thousands of feet into
the sky and then fall back to the ground.
There’s big-game monster hunting in the Altai crater swamps on the
Moon. One could visit Ukert Springs for
a skin exfoliation treatment by the Doctor Fish who live there. The survivors are fond of having beach parties
every Saturday night with music and dancing and food. Otherwise there are all the usual human games
like football, baseball, etc.
Are the days of the
week and months of the year the same in these worlds as on earth? What holidays or special events are
celebrated regularly there?
human calendar is the same everywhere, but on the Moon daylight and dark each
last for two weeks at a time and on Venus they last for 58 days apiece (not to
mention the sun rises in the west). On
Mars an extra 40-minute “hour” is inserted at midnight every day to keep up
with the rotation of the planet. On
Titan a “year” is really seven earth years long, and every three and a half
years on the equinoxes, the three Kings come together at the Temple of
Muwamanth for a holy festival, during which time no fighting is permitted
anywhere in the world.
Is there a particular
religion practiced in these worlds?
Please describe what it involves.
The survivors of Earth are mostly Christians. The A’rum on Titan believe in God and have a
tradition of prophets who dream true dreams to tell the others what He wishes
of them.
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Land of Snow, the Moon |
What is the political
or government structure in the future?
Who is in charge there at the moment, and what kind of leader is he/she?
The A’rum live in widely scattered clans of
about a hundred members each, ruled by one member with unquestioned
authority. There are three “kingdoms” on
the planet, each ruled by one King who controls all the clans in his
territory. At the time of the story, the
King of Dilmun was a wicked heretic who attempted to kill Tyke and his
friends. The small band of human
survivors are led by Philip Carpenter, since most of them are his children or
relatives anyway. He’s a very brave and
wise leader who came to this time from the past via the tachometer. Mars is ruled by an iron-fisted military
dictator known as Colonel James Burns, and Venus is controlled by his henchman
Colonel Luke Bartow. Both of them are
cruel, ruthless men who will do anything to maintain power. The rebel forces on Mars and Venus are
commanded by Captain Brandon Stone, who is rather philosophical and places a
high value on life.
Are there any other
unique cultural practices that we should be aware of if we visit the future?
The A’rum deeply admire honor, and love to
wage bloody warfare with each other over the slightest of insults. They are utterly ignorant of the concept of
romantic love, since everything on the planet (including them) reproduces only
by budding. From time to time they will
award the title of akiri to someone
who has acted with exceptional bravery and honor. They don’t comprehend money, and the only
things of special value among them are “jewels” which are actually small bits
of shiny meteoric iron. Those fortunate
enough to own one of these jewels often like to string them on necklaces.
Has anything in your
actual life inspired the locations, cultures, etc. in your series?
Some of the locations are ones that I’m
personally familiar with, like Texas and Florida. The geography and conditions on the other
worlds are factual information which I didn’t need to make up; I simply had to
fill in the blanks about what those places might be like if they were partially
terraformed. Even the conditions on
Titan are as real as we have any way of knowing. That said, the tree covered with chewing gum in
Nightfall and several other minor
places and things did come from my real life.
What, if any, hot-button
or controversial topics do you touch on in your book?
I don’t really think anything in this series
is controversial, or at least not intentionally so. The characters frequently discuss very deep
and philosophical topics such as the nature of God and the soul, thorny moral
dilemmas, what exactly it means to live as Christian and as a scientist, and
many other things of that sort. But
these aren’t debates, they’re simply individual characters trying as best they
can to understand God and to live according to what He would have them do.
I was born and
raised in the Arkansas hills, though I’ve also spent considerable time in Texas
since then. I became a Christian at the
age of 16 and all my books are written for God’s glory. I’ve been a science teacher and a counselor
for many years, and I love working with
young people.
Where and in what formats can we purchase your books?
All my
books can be purchased in formats compatible with almost all e-readers.
Click here for Amazon Kindle Editions,
Click here for Apple, Sony, Nook,
& Kobo Editions.
Where can readers
connect with you online? My Official Author’s Website is the best
place to connect with me. It’s a large
site full of information and freebies.
Here you’ll find free short stories and poetry, MP3 tracks of all the
music mentioned in my books, downloadable discussion questions for each book,
pictures and maps of characters and places, quotable quotes, interviews,
commentary, links to source materials, and contact information.
I hope you all enjoyed the trip through time to our universe in the future. Questions about the planets and moons or the series? Ask them in the comments and the author will get back to you!
Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.
Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the world of "Old Japan" (based on actual Japanese history and folklore) in Realm Explorers Part V!
Click here to read other posts in the Realm Explorers series.
Please join us again next Monday for a trip to the world of "Old Japan" (based on actual Japanese history and folklore) in Realm Explorers Part V!
-Annie Douglass Lima
Are you an author who would like your world to appear on Realm Explorers? Click here to download the instructions and interview form, or email me at AnnieDouglassLima@gmail.com for more information.
Very interesting. I might be interested in reading these books now
School libraries should grab this series up! New literature is like a breath of fresh air for our young readers.
Going to have to put at least the first one on my "to read" list. I really like when Sci-Fi authors take the time to consider things like differences in rotation, year, weather, etc on other planets, and it sounds like William Woodall did some respectable worldbuilding here. I'm definitely intrigued.
I am in awe of the creativity of writers like you who can create whole worlds like this! Brilliant! Thanks so much for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday! Be sure to check out the great giveaway this week!
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