Tuesday, February 27, 2018

THE PRETENDER and PIT OF AMBITION: an Epic Family Historical Fiction Series with a Giveaway!

Ta'Mara has published her Caselli Family series before, but she is now relaunching the series starting with The Pretender and Pit of Ambition!  Join this super fun blog tour and find out more about the first two books (of five). Also, make sure you check out the great giveaway!

About the Books

The Pretender: A Blackguard in Disguise is the first volume of 5 in the family epic series The Caselli Family Series. It begins in South Dakota in 1975 where eighteen-year-olds could order 3.2 beers in a bar and loaded guns were kept under the counter. Frankie Valli sang My Eyes Adored You, and American soldiers returning from Vietnam struggled with their new reality.
It’s within this tumultuous season of American history that Tillie Caselli meets Noah Hansen, and they are never the same again. Their lives were mysteriously intertwined – and had been for many years – yet they had no idea.
From the moment they met, Tillie and Noah wanted to spend the rest of their lives together, but a deliberate omission will keep them apart – and that same omission will be responsible for the escape of a murderer, and a bride’s deception.
These compelling stories are interwoven with Biblical truths and light-hearted, real life events from the author’s own past. Easy to understand and relate to, as well as encouraging.

Pit of Ambition is the second volume of 5 in the family epic series The Caselli Family Series.
Five years have passed since Noah and Tillie’s “chance” meeting. They’ve married other people by now, and are both beginning their families.
In the pursuit of professional and political success, Alex runs headlong into a pit of pride and ambition...and Giuseppe begins to hate the husband he chose for his daughter.
Alex and Noah are doing business on many fronts, which will bring Noah to town for an unintended meeting with Giuseppe. Tension abounds as he attempts to conceal his daughter’s identity from Noah.
Alex strays when Tillie needs him the most, and it’s Noah who will bring him home. But, instead of learning Tillie’s identity, he connects with her brothers, especially Marquette.
Unbeknownst to Noah, his new foreman is a member of the crime family Marquette has sought since 1968.

About the Author

I was born and raised in South Dakota, and I love her people and rich history. For many years I’ve also had a deep love for Italy and her colorful chronology. I was fortunate enough to visit Italy on my 25th wedding anniversary, and I added some of the details of my travels to my fictional series The Caselli Family Series.
My favorite sport is baseball – Detroit Tigers – and I can’t wait until the next time I get to see them play in Comerica Park.
I live for the next family barbeque.
My husband and I own a national pizza franchise in Iowa, where we currently reside. We have three grown children and one grandson. We’ve rescued two cats and one Pomeranian.
I teach AWANA Cubbies and speak at women’s events.


Ta’Mara is generously offering a $50 Amazon gift card! There are many different ways in the Rafflecopter to enter. The more you choose, the better chance you have of winning.

Character Spotlight

Old newspaper article. Publication is unknown.
By: Ramona Glass
​If not for his brother’s desire to come to America, this reporter would not have had the pleasure of spending the day with Sioux Falls’ most famous immigrant, Giuseppe Caselli.
​In 1945, Caselli’s older brother, Angelo, met with a band of Allied soldiers near Castellina, in Chianti, Italy, and it changed the course of the rest of his life. A mountain guide from his youth, Angelo joined a group of Italian Freedom Fighters and was in the vanguard that led the 10th Mountain Division of the U.S. Army through some of Italy’s highest and roughest mountain terrain. Angelo took orders from General Alfred H. Miller, a Sioux Falls native, and the two became friends.
​When the war ended, Miller asked Angelo if he’d like to come to the United States, and if he did, Miller would be happy to sponsor him.
“And it was all he could speak of when he returned,” Giuseppe said. “He so wanted me to bring my family with him, but I could not leave my beloved Italia, especially after having fought so hard to save her.”
​Giuseppe joined the Italian Resistance in 1945, and was with the military forces responsible for the execution of Benito Mussolini.
Angelo came to the United States in 1945, and Miller put him to work in his new restaurant in downtown Sioux Falls. It didn’t take long for Miller to discover what a talented chef he had in Angelo Caselli, so he changed the restaurant’s menu, and its name.
​Angelo Caselli became an American citizen in September of 1950, and Miller died just a few weeks after that, leaving the bulk of his estate to Angelo, which included ranch and farm land near Centerville, and a large cash inheritance from his own parents, J.M. and Ardis Miller.
In early 1956, Angelo developed health problems, and doctors told him that he didn’t have long to live.
​“It was his heart,” Giuseppe explained, pausing to shake his head. “I still remember the day I received his letter. I decided to come to America right then and spend whatever days my brother had left on this earth with him.”
​The A. James Martin, Sr. Family assisted with their immigration, sponsorship, and eventual citizenship.
​“I remember our first day in Sioux Falls,” Giuseppe explained, stopping to laugh. “It was Thanksgiving Day in America, and Angelo met us at the train station. I cannot tell you how good it was to see my brother after so many years. I took him in my arms and held him so tight! And he said to me, ‘Giuseppe, you smell like the valley!’ And I was still wearing my old coat, the one I used to wear to milk the cow, and I wondered if it was the valley he smelled, or the cow!”
Angelo Caselli passed away in 1964 and left his substantial estate entirely to Giuseppe and Rosa Caselli, and their children: Sen. Petrice Caselli, Vincenzo, Marquette and Matilde. Giuseppe manages Angelo’s to this day.
​“Of all the wonderful things my brother left to this family, my favorite thing is the time we had together before he went to his home in heaven,” the Italian native said. “I will cherish those years in my heart…until the day I join him.”

Tour Schedule

February 26
Bookish Orchestration – Introductory post
Rachel Rossano's Words – Author Interview
Adventures in Publishing – Author Interview
Rebekah Lyn Books – Book Review and Character Spotlight

February 27
Simply Kelina – Book Review
Letters from Annie Douglass Lima – Character Spotlight

February 28
Little Homeschool on the Prairie – Book Spotlight
Seasons of Opportunities – Book Review
Because I said so -- and other adventures in Parenting – Book Review

March 1
Moments – Book Spotlight 
Reader's Cozy Corner – Book Review

Fiction to Ignite Your Faith – Post from the author
March 2
New Horizon Reviews – Book Review
God's Peculiar Treasure Rae – Book Review
Adventures Of A King Daughter – Book Review

March 3
Bookish Orchestrations – Giveaway Winner


Kate Sarsfield said...

Hi Annie & TaMara, I honestly don't think I've ever read any family-type series unless historical non-fiction counts (e.g. dynastic families)!

Kate Sarsfield said...

Hi Annie, the monthly email subscription to Ta'Mara's blog doesn't lead anywhere! What do we do?

Annie Douglass Lima said...

Hi, Kate. Thanks for letting me know. I think it's fixed now! Could you try again?

Tina at Mommynificent.com said...

Wow! Those sound like really complex plots! Thanks for sharing this series at Booknificent Thursday on Mommynificent.com!