Monday, March 15, 2021

Pangur Ban, the White Cat


My Review:

I loved this book (well, the whole series) as a child, and I was delighted to see it's being republished now. I have to admit that reading it as an adult (and as an author myself) I realized it wasn't quite as perfect as I thought at age ten. It would have been nice to see a little more showing and less telling, and to have a few more details filling in the blanks between certain parts of the story. Still, it's a lovely adventure tale with vivid and memorable characters and some great lessons for young readers to learn. I recommend this to older elementary students or middle-schoolers who enjoy fantasy, or to the young at heart.

Monday, February 22, 2021

Shut 'em Down: a Nonfiction Anthology with a Giveaway!


Write Now Literary is pleased to be organizing a two-week book tour for Shut’em Down: Black Women, Racism & Corporate America by Co-author Dr. Tara Hines-McCoy. The book tour will run February 22- March 5,  2021.
Genre: Nonfiction/Anthology
ISBN-13: 978-0985031640



Dr. Tara Hines-McCoy, a native of Little Rock, AR is a compelling communicator who uses her gifts, her experiences and her faith to inspire women to take control and move forward in life. Dr. Tara has been a rising thought leader in corporate America for over 15 years specializing in Human Resources. She has worked for Fortune 500 and multinational companies with multi-state and regional leadership roles. Her professional approach equips leaders with the tools needed to improve business performance and increase employee engagement. 
As a divorced mother of one daughter she has a vibrant personality that aids in her ability to connect with people on all levels. Dr. Tara has overcome life changing experiences throughout her personal and professional career. She has found a way to connect with women by encouraging them to move past their failures, by defining their own character in order to turn uncertainty to passion. An avid walker, lover of all thing’s basketball, football, and tennis. She is a self-proclaimed popcorn connoisseur. Of her many accomplishments, Dr. Tara is most proud to be a mother. 




Shut’em Down is the battle cry of Black women who have suffered abuse and trauma at the hands of corporate America. Composed of the stories of 20 Black women who have been impacted by racism in the workplace, this anthology not only offers us conversation starters on how to combat racism on the job, but also transformative ideas to create safer work spaces for Black professionals.

Chapter Title: Black Roadblocks

Racism is an interesting creature as it can be presented in such an unobscured manner that it slides right over your head. As you trek along in life, the smallest or biggest milestones and accomplishments will somehow take you back to that day and time you were faced with roadblocks. That is when you know for sure that you, too, have come face to face with some form of unacceptance, micro-aggression, racial hostility, double consciousness or colorism. If you are like me, you have told yourself that you are not bothered by these biases.  However, together over time, they can create doubt, lack of confidence, and uneasiness for no logical reason besides the fact that, deep down, you are always trying to ensure you are as good or better than the white athlete, student, or colleague. 




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Saturday, February 13, 2021

Saturn: an Anthology of Science Fiction Short Stories with a Giveaway!


Planetary Anthology Series Set 11
Genre: Mixed Fantasy, SciFi, Speculative

with stories by
Bokerah Brumley, Karl Gallagher, Carlton Herzog, G. Scott Huggins, C.S. Johnson,
P.A. Piatt, J.F. Posthumus, James Pyles, Denton Salle, Ben Wheeler, Josh Young,
Richard Paolinelli, Arlan Andrews Sr., J.M. Anjewierden, Dana Bell, Vonnie Winslow Crist,
Karina L. Fabian, Rob Fabian, A.M. Freeman, Julie Frost

Saturn. The Ringed Planet. Harbinger of ideas and wonder. The planet that gave birth to the modern era of science envisioning the myriad of multi-colored rings circling the planet, one of the reasons for the invention of the telescope and the second largest in our solar system. These are the stories of Saturn, the great Titan. Tales of time, age and endings.

  As usual with anthologies, some of these stories are better than others. I was surprised to find that not all of them have anything to do with Saturn. It was disappointing to discover that most of them have obviously not been professionally edited, and others contain completely unnecessary profanity that did nothing to add to the story or to character development. There are a few winners in here, but a lot of the stories just didn't grab me. Overall, this anthology earns three stars from me.

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

Swag pack, editor-signed signed paperback, and $25 Amazon gift card!

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Dragon Lad: a New Middle-Grade Fantasy Novel


Dragon Lad: Wand of the Black Sphere

Juvenile Fiction, Middle Grade, Middle-Grade Fantasy

Publisher: Dragon's Egg Books

A shapeshifting magic fantasy adventure filled with dragons, witches, wizards, fairies and fun.

Dirk is a budding boy wizard who hatched as a dragon and has a ring that turns him back into one. For his summer vacation, he's leaving Roman Britannia on a secret journey to tell the dragon who raised him she's free from a curse.

He doesn't realize he's being tracked by his worst enemy, the sorceress who abducted him as a baby and blames him for her husband's death. Treacherous Ethelda thinks Dirk has her fiendishly powerful wand and she'll do anything to get it back.

The Roman Army wants the Wand of the Black Sphere, too, worried Ethelda will use it against them, and they're looking for Dirk, the last one seen with it. But Dirk's halfway around the world dealing with monsters and magic they couldn't imagine.

Praise for Dragon Lad: Wand of the Black Sphere:

"The third volume of Stevens' middle-grade series is a perfect balance of education and entertainment. ... Detailed illustrations by the author enliven scenes throughout. ... The lively final volume of a charming series." - Kirkus Reviews

Other Books in the Dragon Lad Trilogy:

Dragon Lad: The Thirteenth Egg

Publisher: Dragon’s Egg Books

Fly through page after page of adventures with Dorg as the young dragon discovers an astonishing truth about himself: he may not be a dragon after all.

Dorg hatches small due to a magic curse. A tough start in the biting, clawing, flame-spitting world he lives in. At first, all he wants to do is end the curse, so he can be like the other dragons. But friends and enemies help him see that being a big, mean dragon isn’t what it’s cracked up to be.

Along the way, he encounters a mysterious pendant, shapeshifting dragons, a grouchy witch who loves wildlife, an absentminded wizard, and a swarm of friendly insects.

Heartwarming and humorous, this book is the first in a trilogy of stories about learning to live in harmony with one’s self as well as with nature. An egg-straordinary fantasy awaits the reader.


Dragon Lad: Tale of the Talisman

Publisher: Dragon’s Egg Books

Magic and adventure abound in this second book in the Dragon Lad trilogy.

Tale of the Talisman” follows our young, dragon-hatched hero as he seeks his parents, his past and his destiny in Roman-ruled Britannia. A boy without a history — at least one that he can remember — Dirk turns to his shape-shifting friends for help. They launch him on a quest involving the one clue he has to his previous existence: a magic talisman.

The wizard Beldor gives Dirk a ring that allows him to re-enter the realm he thought he’d left behind. Armed with this ring and a magic map, he travels a trail leading to a raging dragon, a slippery mermaid, two grasping sorcerers and a legion of Roman soldiers. He also rediscovers a long-lost friend and powers he never imagined.

Fast-paced and funny, “Dragon Lad: Tale of the Talisman” is a modern classic that can be read alone or as a companion to the first novel in the trilogy, “Dragon Lad: The Thirteenth Egg.”



Chapter Nineteen

Dorg tried to pull up. It only reduced the speed of his impact. He hit the ground hard and blacked out.

He regained consciousness in a daze of pain. His ears were ringing, jaw ached, wing burned, shoulder throbbed. Turning on his side to touch the inflamed shoulder, he dislodged the raven perched there. He grimaced at the bird as it squawked to the ground, then took in his surroundings.

He lay on a mat of animal skin in one of the human dwellings. Dug into the ground like a burrow, with stonework above and below the level of the ground, it had a domed, willow-frame roof covered with skins. In the center, some sort of animal fat burned in a soapstone trough with moss wicks, illuminating a short entry tunnel, benches, clothing hung from leather cords, and

baskets full of herbs, plants and tools made of antler, stone and bone. The dwelling was crowded, yet they’d managed to fit a dragon with large wings and a body the size of a small bull inside. As he wondered how, the raven demanded his attention.


Sorry, I don’t speak raven,” Dorg responded in the hawk language. “Do you speak hawk?”

The raven uttered a “pruk” that reminded him of a human sigh. Then, revolving on his claws, he transformed into a handsome hawk with brilliant eyes and glossy feathers.

About the Author

J. C. Stevens began writing fiction, nonfiction and poetry at age five. The author's first and favorite stories were about ghosts, witches and other spooky creatures. As an adult, Stevens served as a newspaper reporter, editor and teacher.

"Dragon Lad: The Thirteenth Egg," the first book in the Dragon Lad trilogy, debuted in 2015. The second book in the trilogy, "Dragon Lad: Tale of the Talisman," appeared in 2017. The third and final book, "Dragon Lad: Wand of the Black Sphere," was published in 2019. Stevens lives in Southern California. To learn more, visit

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Monday, February 8, 2021

Sunder of Time: a Science Fiction Novel with a Giveaway!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Sunder of Time
(The Mason Timeline #1)
By Kristin McTiernan
Time Travel/Alternate History
Paperback & ebook, 380 Pages
May 12, 2015

Isabella Jaramillo is accustomed to getting what she wants.

Living a comfortable life as the daughter of the world’s sole time travel magnate, Isabella has never suffered the irritation of being told no.

Only now she has gone too far and her soon-to-be ex-husband tells her no in the most vengeful way possible—by sabotaging her trip to the past, sending her to a distant land where the locals do not speak her language and are far from impressed by her haughty demeanor.

Now a slave, Isabella makes some surprising allies and discovers the truth behind her father’s rise to power and the terrible price the entire world paid for it. Somehow, she must break free and find a way home, not only to save herself, but to restore history to its rightful direction.

(Affiliate links included.)

Other Books in the Series

Fissure of Worlds
(The Mason Timeline #2)
By Kristin McTiernan
Time Travel/Alternate History
Paperback & ebook, 323 Pages
October 9, 2017

Knowledge isn’t power. It’s dangerous.

At first, she thought they’d do the right thing. A new timeline created by a misbehaving time traveler, a whole society crushed under theocratic oppression. Surely, the council would see reason. Surely, they’d help her fix the timeline.

They didn’t.

Now jailed and under the constant, unblinking eye of her own personal guard, Shannan must fight not only for her freedom, but for her own sanity.

Her one ally is Paul Canaan, a member of the Council but not truly one of them. Living a life of secrets and lies, Paul works in the shadows to free Shannan, and himself, from the artificially created timeline oppressing them both.

Together, Shannan and Paul will have to escape their watchers—before they, and the world, are trapped in a history that should never have been.

(Affiliate link included.)


Etienne imagined his father-in-law had been listening to the call, muffling his laughter as Isabella just unilaterally ended their marriage.  She never did anything without Daddy’s leave.  So Etienne had played nice, put on the happy face. Of course he was all right with the annulment.  He was fine with his whole life being over.

Now he would be the laughingstock of Miami society, his fate to become a cautionary tale for other silly Spanish girls who even thought of slumming with an Anglo.  The annulment would be featured on society pages all over the country, probably in Mexico and Cuba as well.  Meanwhile, the grieving widow Esperanza Macias would get a promotion, a feature in the Miami Crier, and the standard condolence allowance from the Senate.  Her husband had died in service to the Republic, so her life was going to improve dramatically. Etienne’s, on the other hand, was circling the drain.

The idea struck him suddenly.  Martin Macias had been declared Lost without much investigation. Everyone, including him, had simply accepted the disappearance of three people—husbands and fathers all—as simply “one of those things.” No one had been hauled in for questioning; certainly no one was going to be punished.

A giddy excitement washing over him, Etienne looked around the living room once more, searching for the keys to his launch station. Spying them, he finally left the armchair and grabbed the errant keys off the floor.  He headed out the door, his lips stretched into a satisfied smile.

About the Author

Kristin McTiernan was born the daughter of a career military man and spent her childhood bouncing from one country to another. Her love of writing surfaced early, and upon discovering the double threat of comic books and Star Trek in middle school, Kristin spent the majority of her spare time creating new worlds and interesting people to populate them. Following in her parents' footsteps, Kristin enlisted in the Marine Corps at 17 and, upon her discharge three years later, settled into a life pursuing her love of words. She achieved her bachelor's degree in English from Emporia State University in her home state of Kansas and works as an editor to support her writing addiction. She lives in Kansas City with her husband and dog.

Tour Schedule

Tour Giveaway

One winner will win a Kindle gifted copy (gifted directly through Amazon) of Kristin McTiernan's supernatural mystery trilogy: Black Magic Omnibus: Books 1 - 3 of the Siren Song Series (US only)

Ends February 24, 2021

Grab Our Button!

Friday, February 5, 2021

Messiah: a Book of Biblical Short Stories with a Giveaway!


Messiah: Biblical Retellings
by C.A. Gray
Genre: Biblical Retellings

Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to be one of the five thousand when Jesus multiplied the fish and the loaves? Or one of his disciples when he walked on water? Or to have seen Lazarus come out of the tomb? Ever wonder what Mary thought when Gabriel told her she was pregnant by the Holy Spirit, or what the fallout was like in her personal life? Ever considered how those two disciples felt on the road to Emmaus, when they found that the man with whom they had been talking was in fact their risen Lord?

This collection of retellings from the gospels is designed to bring each of these stories and more to life in your imagination. They stick to the facts wherever the facts are known, from either the scriptures themselves or from extra-biblical commentaries. But they also add in back story when necessary, reimagining the sights, the sounds, the colors, and the emotions for the person most involved. Each retelling ends with an afterword discussion, summarizing the reasons for the choices made in the story, followed by the scriptures themselves.

Together, I hope these retellings help to paint a portrait of the Messiah.

C.A. Gray is the author of three YA Amazon bestselling trilogies: PIERCING THE VEIL (magic and quantum physics meet Arthurian legends), THE LIBERTY BOX (dystopian metaphysics and mind control technology), and UNCANNY VALLEY (dystopian coming-of-age with neuroscience and super intelligent A.I). She starts with some scientific concept that she's interested in learning more about herself, and then creates lots of epic chaos and high-stakes action to go along with it. Her stories are free of gratuitous violence, language, and sexual content, and she abhors depressing endings... but they're not all kittens and rainbows either! She also listens to and reviews audiobooks on her website (, Goodreads, Instagram, and on her podcast, Clean Audiobook Reviews, where she also occasionally interviews other authors.

By day, C.A. Gray practices naturopathic medicine, podcasts, and writes medical non-fiction under her maiden name (Lauren Deville). She lives in Tucson, AZ with her husband Frank, and together they maintain an occasionally contentious film review blog (under her real name: Lauren Baden. Three names. Yes.) She's kind of the queen of multitasking--so in her spare time, she creates whatever meals or crafts she found most recently on Pinterest, drinks lots of coffee (Aeropress btw) and occasional wine (reds--and she saves the corks for craft projects), works out (while listening to audiobooks), and studies the Bible (about half of the podcasts on Christian Natural Health are scripture meditations). ...She does sleep, too.

Join her newsletter for best-of-the-month reads, freebies and giveaway information, as well as new releases!

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

$25 Amazon 

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

The Vault of Kings: a Fantasy Duology with a Giveaway!


A Light in the Darkness
The Vault of Kings Book 1
by Matt Taylor
Genre: YA Fantasy

For ten years, the dark mage Maelos has shrouded Evendreil in darkness and oppression. With no hope in sight, many are struggling to survive; others pray that their luck will remain. In searching for answers, Sylas stumbles upon an ancient artifact--a mysterious silver amulet--that confirms the reality of the fabled Vault of Kings. Hoping to overthrow Maelos and end his evil reign, Sylas and his companions set off to find the legendary elemental stones of power that are needed to unlock the door to the vault. If they are to succeed in their quest, they must first learn to master the ancient art of Magick in all of its basic forms: Light, Darkness, Water, Fire, Nature, and Air. Then they must pray that whatever secret is contained in the Vault of Kings will be enough to give them the edge that they need to defeat the most powerful dark mage that the world has ever seen.

The Vault of Kings Book 2

Gelendor has fallen. Darkness has descended once again. Despite the danger, Torren has decided to stay in Gelendor to try and form a secret rebellion while the others make their journey towards Sindmyr, the Capital of Light. Once there, Sylas and Samara will need to convince the King of Sindmyr to join their cause and fight back against the armies of Maelos. To be successful, the two young mages will not only need to continue to master the ancient art of Light Magick, but also uncover an ancient secret that has been hidden away beneath the City of Light for generations. A secret that could prove deadly to any who attempt to wield it. Most importantly, Sylas will need to prove that he is worthy to obtain the Stone of Light and unite it with the ancient silver amulet. With two Elemental Stones of power at his side, Sylas will bring himself one step closer to completing the key to the Vault of Kings. One step closer to unlocking the powerful secret that's been hidden from the world for over a thousand years. Gelendor has fallen to Darkness, but in the Light...there is still hope.

I'm a small town boy from Southeast Idaho. I've wanted to share my stories and wild imagination with the world for a long time, and finally decided that now is better than never. I have loved reading fantasy books ever since I was little, but there was always something missing, something that I wished that I could add to the story, to make it mine. Writing a book and putting yourself out there for the world to see is daunting to say the least, but the joy and sense of accomplishment you get from seeing your story out there, for all to read and enjoy is a feeling like none other. 
I hope that you will enjoy the worlds of my mind, and take part in the adventures that have been hidden from the world, but are now finally being revealed.

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

$25 Amazon

Monday, February 1, 2021

Farsight: an Epic Fantasy Novel with a Giveaway!


The Divine Potentials Book 2
by Ethan Stein
Genre: Epic Fantasy

Death is only the beginning …

Kell Stevyns is cursed with the ability to foresee a person’s death. Unable to completely block the visions of violence and loss, she is determined to find a cure. Recently, her own demise began playing out in her mind, leaving her sanity hanging by a thread. Determination has become desperation.

All is well that ends well … or is it?

Daena Vulatanne faced many trials as she ascended the ranks of her community in Iburdeen and her survival was a relief to her people. Unfortunately, not everyone was pleased and someone is on a mission to carry out their revenge.

Past, present, and future collide …

Kell’s salvation may lie with the mysterious woman in her new vision: a member of a remote religious order framed for the murder of their leader and set to be executed in forty-eight hours.

Haunted by images of death and destruction, Kell must trust her travel companion to keep her safe—and sane—as she embarks on a journey to locate the stranger and exonerate her.

Fate is a fickle thing, and there is no margin for error if Kell is going to succeed.

The Divine Potentials Book 1

High Priestess Daena Vulatanne has spent more than a decade preparing to lead the Holy Order of the Water Goddess Anahita. The safety of the isolated community of women has always been paramount, but the arrival of a strange messenger forces her to question if their exposure is worth risking her role as the future leader.

Asha’s presence in the village threatens the secrecy the women have fought to maintain. While he carries a message for Daena’s people, he also holds the key to a rogue Order member’s lifelong ambition: revenge for the destruction of her brethren.

The purity and innocence Daena thought she knew soon gives way to evil and corruption. In a tumultuous time of deception, magic, and adventure, she must sacrifice something dear to her: her ideals, her devotion, or her life.

**Only .99 cents!!**

Ethan Stein was born in Buffalo, NY, where he developed a love for writing at an early age.  While the beginnings were rather gory and incomplete, it was the start of something important.
In college, Ethan developed a far greater love and understanding of writing, even taking a few courses on how to be a better writer.  It was there that he also began to develop the world of Mahrahspand, which was the foundation of his Divine Potentials Series.
His wife and two kids have been very supportive in his quest to further flesh out his fantasy world, and are eager to discover all that he has to offer.

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

$25 Amazon